Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Claire Babbitt, LMFT

Theoretical  Approach

I use various theoretical approaches to help patients experience a reduction of symptoms and resolution of issues which concern them. 

Although my approach for each patient depends on the specifics of that patient's need, my  therapeutic approach is broadly psychodynamic and psychoanalytic influenced.  This approach involves  exploring ways in which early experiences may influence and perhaps distort current thoughts, behavior and relationships. People may be  subject to unconscious motivations which causes them to repeat patterns of behavior and make  choices which are not  helpful.

The relationship between therapist  and client offers a confidential and safe space in which to explore problems and anxieties and may help to open up a route to better understanding.  The focus of the work is in the present, but what we try  to become aware of and gain insight into  the effect of past experience on behavior and feelings that seem to make no sense in the present.  A psychodynamic approach works well for people who want to understand what underlies particular feelings, anxiety or distress, or problematic patterns of behavior and to explore those aspects of the self which are not easily accessible to the conscious mind, but nevertheless impact functioning  

Please Feel Free To Contact Me Anytime



Availability may vary depending on needs of patient,. Same day appointments may be available.

Claire Babbitt, LMFT


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm




8:00 am-1:00 pm


Flexible Hours

